Indexing has now started for Un-registered ships Between 1861 and 1913.

A Guide to selecting Data ~ Crew Members

Select mariners by using their Forename, Surname or Shipsname or a combination of all three. However the names have been interpreted
from the crew's own signatures, entries written by the ship's agents or Consuls. Therefore exact spellings cannot be guaranteed. It is best
to treat the search on a "Soundtext" basis and use either an initial letter or a number of letters and browse forward or backwards through
the database. For example if one is looking for Charles Davies onboard the Emily Ann, search using Ch in forename box, Dav in the
surname box and Emily A
in the shipsname box. This covers entries such as Chas for Charles, Dav for Davies or Davis. Using Emily
on its own would bring up ships Emily Ann, Emily Jane and Emily Waters.

2The database will initially display a table of up to 25 entries, and will include Forename(s), Surname, Rank/Certificate No; Year of Birth,
Place of Birth and Shipsname (6 fields of data in all ) commencing with the letter(s) selected, or from the letters or name entered
3At the bottom of each group of 25 entries it will indicate how many entries there are in the selection. e..g. 25 out 78.You can alter the
number of entries to be displayed in the box on the right. The word "Next". Click on this word "Next" to display the next 25 or the number
per page you requested, within the letter(s) or name chosen. This and subsequent pages also show the word "Previous" and "Next" Keep browsing forwards or backwards through all the entries clicking on "Previous" or "Next". The last entry for the mariner with the same name displays only the word "Previous".

To display the full details of the mariner's engagement in a separate window, click on either the forename of surname. This will display a new
window containing 19 fields of data, starting with the first entry in the database with the same name. Again if the mariner is listed more than once,
either because he has the same name as a different mariner, is on more than one voyage for the ship or on more than one ship, the word ""Next"
will show at the bottom of the table, subsequent entries will show "Previous"
and "Next" which will permit you to browse through the same
number of entries as in 3 above only this time it shows the full 19 fields of data.

A Guide to selecting Data ~ Ship's Registry, Ship Owners and Ship's Voyages

Select ship's name from the right hand side of the table. The list is made up from ships contained in the main database assigned to the Mariner.
Click on the name, a new window will appear which will will contain data of the ship's register.
This data is limited, but will be continually updated.


In this new window, two icons will be displayed below the registry (1) "Open - Voyage records from agreements and log books"
and the (2) "Open - Records of the ship owners listed in the ship's registry"
Click on these links and a new window will open which
can be scrolled, showing all the voyages or shipowners from data collected at the present time.

3 At the end of the voyage or shipowners window one can return to the registry, from which one can return to the main database once more.